Dr Billington has worked with applications of operations research across the last 25 years, initially at the Australian Railway Research and Development Organisation and later at Shell Australia in areas of corporate planning, transport, and logistics.

He has conducted many projects in cost-benefit analysis, financial modelling, economic evaluation, optimisation and transport assignment. Projects cover areas from optimal fleet composition, packing arrangements for road transport, locomotive fleet maintenance modelling to assessment of investment alternatives, lease versus by considerations. He has always worked in operations as a direct employee, a consultant, and trainer and now as a university academic.

Some highlights in his career at VU are:

  • 2000 – 2007 Foundation Head, Victoria Graduate School of Business, Victoria University
  • 1997 – 2006 Chair, Faculty of Business and Law Research and Graduate Studies Committee, Victoria University
  • 1993 – 2009 Course Director, Doctor of Business Administration, Victoria University
  • Dr Billington is currently Lead Reviewer in Research Ethics for the College of Business and he is a Research Integrity Officer for Victoria University.

Dr Billington has supervised approximately 20 research degree students to completion and he received a University award in recognition of this contribution to research training.

In 2006 he was awarded the Vice Chancellor's Citation for Excellence in Research in the category of Research Supervision at Victoria University.

Key publications

Book chapters

Islam, SMN, Billington, N & Watanapalachaikul, S 2006, 'A Multifactor Stock Valuation Model: An Empirical Application to the Thai Telecommunications Sector', in K Fatemi (eds), Globalization and East Asia: Opportunities and Challenges, Haworth Press, New York, USA, pp. 217-230

Journal articles

Jaswadi, J, Billington, N & Sofocleous, S 2012, 'Corporate Governance and Accounting Irregularities: Evidence from the Two-tiered Board Structure in Indonesia', Asia-Pacific Management and Business Application, vol 1 (1)

Bose, S, Oh, KB & Billington, N 2003, 'A Cross-sectional Analysis of Value Drivers in the Knowledge Economy', International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, vol 3

Billington, N 1993, 'Growth series of central amalgamations', Communications in Algebra, (2) 21, pp. 371-397

Conference presentations

Jaswadi, J, Billington, N & Sofocleous, S 2011, 'Corporate Governance and Accounting Irregularities: Evidence from the Two-tiered Board Structure in Indonesia', presented at the 25th Annual ANZAM Conference 2011, Wellington, New Zealand

Miholcic, Z, Clark, C & Billington, N 2009, 'Behavioural determinants and strategic use of non-financial performance measurement and management in Australian business organisations', presented in the PMA Conference Articles and Abstracts CD-ROM, University of Otago School of Business, Dunedin, NZ. 1-13

Islam, SMN, Watanapalachaikul, S & Billington, N 2004, 'A Time Series Analysis and Modelling of the Thai Stock Market', presented at the International Business Management Conference, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia, December 2004

Oh, KB, Bose, S & Billington, N 2004, 'Financial Risk Issues in Intellectual Capital: A Study of the E-Commerce Sector', presented at the Eighth International Conference on Global Business and Economic Development, Fiesta Americana, Guadalajara, January 2004

Kuzic, J & Billington, N 2003, 'Electronic Commerce Issues in the Australian Manufacturing Industry', presented at the European Conference on Information Systems, Napoli, June 2003

Islam, SMN, Billington, N & Watanapalachaikul, S 2002, 'Financial Issues in Developing Countries: An Empirical Investigation of the Thai Telecommunication Sector', presented at the International Trade and Finance Association Conference, Bangkok, June 2002

Teaching responsibilities


Beginning in 2012, Dr Billington was appointed Course Coordinator for the Graduate Certificate in Business, a new joint venture between Victoria University and Linfox that provides full in-house delivery of postgraduate subjects to Linfox employees and clients. This will lead to opportunities for the Linfox group to proceed to further studies at the level of Master and beyond.

Postgraduate unit: BMO6508 Operations Management

Postgraduate course: BTFB Graduate Certificate in Business (Linfox Australia)

Postgraduate research students

Completions: 11 PhD students.

Current supervision: 4 PhD students.

Professional membership

  • Australian Mathematical Society
  • Australian Society for Operations Research

Areas of expertise

  • Customer satisfaction & the ACSI
  • mathematical and financial modelling
  • operations management and logistics

Contact details

(03) 9919 1076