Additional fees & charges

While studying at VU, you may need to pay additional fees that are charged in special circumstances. These include situations such as enrolling late, or requiring a reprint of an academic transcript.

On this page you will find most additional fees listed.

Please note that these are subject to change.



Types of additional fees & charges


The following postage applies for letters of completion, transcripts, statements of attainment and AHEGS.

Postage type20232024
Standard local/international airmail and Express post (Australia)$18$18
Express post (International)$24$24
DHL overseas courier (trackable)$75$75

The following postage applies for testamurs.

Postage type20232024
Testamur express post (Australia)$24$24
Testamur express post (International, non-trackable)$28$28
DHL overseas courier (trackable)$75$75