Student Charter

The Student Charter outlines your rights and responsibilities as a student at Victoria University.

We are committed to improving student programs, services and processes to help you achieve your potential and to foster positive interaction and constructive behaviour between students and staff.

Your rights and responsibilities at Victoria University are outlined here.


What is expected of Victoria University

It is expected that Victoria University will:

  1. provide a supportive, stimulating and effective learning environment that empowers students to reach their potential
  2. provide high quality learning experiences that are in accordance with good quality learning and teaching practice
  3. provide the physical learning environment, facilities and student focused services to support students to succeed in their studies including library resources, computer network facilities and internet for study purposes.
  4. provide accurate, timely and useful information to students in relation to their course of study, enrolment, policies, services and processes
  5. provide an environment free from discrimination and harassment in accordance with Commonwealth and State Legislation and associated University policy, and provide timely and constructive feedback on assessment recognising it as a valuable part of the learning process
  6. provide fair, transparent and efficient complaints, grievances and appeals procedures*
  7. provide a clear statement of acceptable academic behaviour by students
  8. treat personal information confidentially and ensure it is only released with the student's consent or when legally required
  9. expect that all staff as members of the Victoria University community require commitment to the ethical values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility
  10. support the contribution of students and their representatives to the life of the University
  11. respect individual student needs and abilities including recognition of previous and current learning experience.
  12. deliver all services to students, as per VU’s Student Service Commitment

*In accordance with the University Student Complaints Policy and Student Appeals Procedure.

What is expected of VU students

It is expected that students will:

  1. engage actively with the educational, social and cultural life of the University
  2. be fully committed to their own learning including taking responsibility for monitoring their own progress
  3. respect the diversity of all students and staff and support an environment free from discrimination and harassment in accordance with Commonwealth and State Legislation and associated University policy
  4. acknowledge that membership of the Victoria University community requires commitment to the ethical values of honesty, trust, fairness and responsibility including treating other students with respect
  5. respect all University staff, property and facilities
  6. provide honest and constructive feedback about their academic programs and participate in the continuous quality assurance processes of the University*
  7. acquaint themselves with University policies and procedures relevant to their enrolment and course of study and adhere to the rules and regulations of the University as they apply to students
  8. take responsibility for meeting reasonable attendance requirements
  9. take responsibility for keeping their own record of submitted work
  10. activate and utilise the VU student email account for the duration of enrolment to ensure timely and accurate communication.

*In accordance with the University Student Complaint Resolution Policy.