• 7 May 2020, 9:00am to 7 May 2020, 9:30am
  • 14 May 2020, 9:00am to 14 May 2020, 9:30am
Online only
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Watch videos by VU's experts in psychology and mindfulness to gain insight into how we're experiencing our current circumstances, and find ways to live harmoniously in difficult times.

As we all adapt to the new circumstances resulting from COVID-19, VU researchers are working hard to share their research findings in accessible, consumable ways.

VU Research in Brief will bring this information into your living rooms in easy to interpret ways. There’s no complicated terminology in these videos, only take-home and applicable resources to help you navigate and optimise your wellbeing. 

The first videos in this series will delve into the links between mindfulness and exercise with Michaela Pascoe, and learn how to manage tensions within your household with clinical psychologist Dr Glen Hosking in under 20 minutes.

“I’ll be talking through the psychological reasons behind the feelings many of us are experiencing right now and unpacking what’s common.” – Dr Glen Hosking.


Glen Hosking

Glen Hoskings Psychologist

Dr Glen Hosking is a Clinical Psychologist and Senior Lecturer in Psychology in the College of Health and Biomedicine at Victoria University.

As a researcher, Glen’s work has centred on:

  • the implementation of time limited therapeutic interventions for problem gambling
  • the mental health of performing artists
  • the implementation of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with complex presenting issues, including depressed mood and anxiety.

As a Clinical Psychologist, Glen works with adults, children, adolescents and families to address a range of complex mental health problems, including adjustment to trauma and its impact on mood, anxiety and overall functioning.

Michaela Pascoe

 Michaela Pascoe

Michaela is a researcher in the field of stress, inflammation and mental health.

She has drawn attention to the impact of stress on depression and anxiety and the influence of mindfulness and physical activity/exercise on the brain and mental health.

She has researched the relationship between stress, depression, mindfulness and physical activity in the context of chronic illness and in healthy populations.

Video schedule

All videos will be premiered on the VU in the Community Facebook Page and freely available thereafter. 

  • 9am Thursday 7 May
    Living Harmoniously, presented by Dr Glen Hosking
  • 9am Thursday 14 May
    Connecting Mindfulness and Physical Activity, presented by Michaela Pascoe

See all events

Contact us

Katrina Gubbins
Communications Coordinator
Precincts, Communities and Government Relations
+61 3 9919 5130