
Student conference: Engineer your dream career

This event has already taken place.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Join Engineers Australia for a careers conference designed to help you kick start your career.

This event is exclusive to Victoria University engineering students and is particularly suited to students in their final years of study. Students can learn how you can build a competitive edge in the workforce.

Based on an industry conference-style program, this full day event will include.

  • presentations from recent graduates working in the industry
  • networking opportunities with engineering organisations and professional engineers
  • tips for job hunting, interviews and the recruitment process
  • advice on finding graduate work
  • insights into modern recruitment techniques such as LinkedIn.

The conference will focus on building the career management skills and confidence to ‘sell yourself’ to industry and potential employers. Attendees will receive an Engineers Australia Certificate of Attendance.

The dress code is corporate attire.


The conference is free. Limited space is available, so register now to avoid disappointment. Registration closes on Tuesday 15 November 2016.

Register now


Program of events
Time Topic
12.45-1.00pm Arrival and registrations
1.00-1.15pm Welcome by Professor Chris Perera FIEAust CPEng NER
Dean, Colleage of Engineering and Science, Victoria University
1.15-1.45pm Keynote speaker
'Networking your way to success'
  • How to find work in engineering
  • The importance of successful networking
  • Getting a foot in the door. entry level graduate positions and where they can take you
1.45-2.15pm Networking role play
'The good, the bad and the ugly'
2.15-2.45pm Afternoon tea
2.45-3.45pm Workshops (choose one)
  • Develop your 60 second impression
  • Speed networking
  • Mock interview
  • LinkedIn
  • Résumés
3.45-4.00pm Break
4.00-5.30pm Employer panel
'A day in the life of an engineer'
5.30-6.30pm Networking and refreshments, meet engineering industry representatives

See all events


This event has already taken place.

22 November 2016

Get in touch

Libby Ainalis
Careers Coordinator - Industry & Community Liaison
Career Development & Employment
+61 3 9919 4064