Professor Michael Hamel-Green is a Emeritus Professor in the College of Arts, Business, Law, Education & IT.
His previous positions and roles have included:
- Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Education and Human Development
- Deputy-Dean of the Faculty
- former Head of the School of Social Sciences
- former coordinator of the BA (Community Development)
- former Chair of the University Education and Research Board (ERB).
Professor Hamel-Green's research field is peace studies. He has focused on regional disarmament and security issues, particularly in the Asia Pacific region.
He was recently commissioned by Oxford University Press to write the entries on:
- Pacific Nuclear Testing
- Weapons of Mass Destruction (Prohibition)
- Regional Disarmament Zone Initiatives
- Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
- Regional Organizations
- Multilateral Agreements for the new Oxford Encyclopedia of Peace.
His professional affiliations include:
- Centre for Dialogue (Latrobe University)
- United Nations Association (Victorian Branch)
- Editorial Committee member of Global Change, Peace and Security, an international relations and peace research journal published by Routledge (UK).

Contact details
+61 407 862 149