Dr Burke completed a PhD at Victoria University entitled Sport, Foucault and Traditions of Feminism. It involved an investigation of the application of traditions of feminism to an understanding of the micro-politics of male power in sport.
The thesis partially filled a major gap in the body of knowledge in the area of philosophy of sport. The field of philosophy of sport has rarely engaged with feminism.
His other research has produced over thirty-five papers that have appeared in refereed journals or anthologies. He has published articles in the fields of sport ethics, sport sociology and feminism.
Dr Burke's research on drugs in sport has provoked much critical response within the field of philosophy of sport, and has been touched on in the fields of sociology and history of sport.
He has been regularly interviewed in the popular media about athlete and coach behaviour, performance-enhancing and illicit drug use in sport, gender diversity in sport and sexual harassment, abuse and consent in sport. Michael has published eight articles in The Conversation.
Refereed journal articles
Burke M. (2018) Is Football now Feminist? A Critique of the use of McCaughey’s physical feminism to explain women’s participation in separate leagues in masculine sports. Sport in Society. (Ahead of Print)
Burke M. and Symons, C. (2016) Anti-Doping Policies and The Gay games: Morgan’s Treatment-Enhancement Distinction in Action. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, 43/2, 267-280
Burke, M. (2014). Women’s Standpoints and Internalism in Sport. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, XXXXI/1, March, pp. 39-52. (Invited Paper to Special Edition on Gender and Sport Philosophy)
Burke, M. (2010). A Feminist Reconstruction of Liberal Rights and Sport. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, XXXVII/1, 11-28
Burke, M. and Hallinan, C. (2008). Drugs, Sport, Anxiety and Foucauldian Governmentality. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 2/1, 39-55.
Stewart, B. and Burke, M. (eds) (2014) Drugs and Sport: Writing from the Edge. Dry Ink Press, Melbourne. ISBN: 978-0-9874776-1-3.
Burke, M. and Stewart, B. (eds) (2012) Sport, Culture and Society: Connections, Techniques and Viewpoints. Maribyrnong Press, Melbourne. ISBN: 978-0-9752384-7-9.
Burke, M., Hanlon, C. And Thomen, C. (eds) (2011) Sport, Culture and Society: Approaches, Methods and Perspectives. Maribyrnong Press, Melbourne. ISBN 978-0-9752384-6-2.
Refereed book chapters
Burke, M. (2015). “Gender Equality in Sport.” In Peters, M. (ed) Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory (online), Spinger, Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-287-588-4. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-287-532-7_76-1 (Invited Chapter).
Burke, M. (2014). “Drugs in Sport and Coercion Arguments.” In Stewart, B. And Burke, M. (eds) Drugs and Sport: Writing from the Edge. Dry Ink Press, Melbourne.
Symons, C. and Burke, M. (2014). “Writings from the Edge of Sport on Drug Legislation and the Gay Games.” In Stewart, B. And Burke, M. (eds) (2014) Drugs and Sport: Writing from the Edge. Dry Ink Press, Melbourne.
Burke, M. (2011). “Male Coaches and Female Athletes.” In C. Jones and A. Hardmun (Eds) Ethics and Coaching. Routledge: London. ISBN- 9780415557757 (Invited Chapter).
Burke, M. and Hemphill, D. (2010). “Philosophy of Sport in Australia and New Zealand.” in Graham Oppy, Nick Trakakis, Lynda Burns, Steve Gardner and Fiona Leigh (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand. Monash University Publishing: Clayton, Vic. ISBN: 9780980651201 (Invited Chapter).
View Michael's full publication list on the VU Research Repository.
2 Honours students, 2 PhD students (Co-Supervisor).
Professional membership
Appearances in the media
Along with radio stations in Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia and New South Wales, Michael is a regular contributor to television and radio sports shows including:
- ABC Television
- Channel 7
- ABC Drive
- Radio National
- Triple M
- SEN Sports Radio.
Areas of expertise
- Abuse & harassment in sport
- Drug use by athletes
- equal opportunity legislation and sport
- ethics and sociology of sport
- ethics of coaching
- sexual consent