Professsor Hoang was awarded a PhD in Chemical Engineering at Monash University in 1996. He is currently a professor in the Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities, researching Sustainability and Innovation at Victoria University; an Honorary Fellow at CSIRO Manufacturing National Research Flagship; and an Adjunct Professor at RMIT University.
Professor Hoang has held a various research and management roles at CSIRO since 1985 culminating in his appointment as a Senior Principal Research Scientist in 2009. He has led and managed high quality research in the following areas:
- environmental technology
- industrial emission control
- water separation
- purification and treatment for agriculture applications
- industrial process and wastewaters
- mineral separation
- material processing
- catalysis and reactor engineering
- membrane materials and process.
Prof. Hoang has been an author/co-author of over 100 publications including 12 patents. His interaction with industry spans more than thirty years as a CSIRO and VU scientist. He has had more than forty commercial projects funded by industry in various aspects of water separation and purification, industrial process and wastewaters, mineral separation, membrane research, high performance materials, catalyst and catalytic process and industrial environment.
Prof. Hoang has received the following awards:
- Sir Ian MacLennan Achievement for Industry Award, which recognises outstanding contributions by CSIRO scientists and engineers to national development
- CSIRO Chief’s Innovation award for research leading to the commercialisation of an advanced material process for industry
- CSIRO Chief’s leadership award for the development of successful research culture and industry engagement.
Recent publications
Refereed journal articles
B. Bolto, Z. Xie and M. Hoang (accepted 2017) The isolation of organic compounds using organophilic pervaporation membranes, Journal of Membrane Science and Research.
J. Zhang, Z. Xie, A. J. Hill, W. Cong, F. H. She, W. Gao, M. Hoang and L. X. Kong (accepted 2017) Effects of a Volatile Solvent with Low Surface Tension Combining with the Silica Network Reinforcement on Retention of LLC Structure in Polymer Matrix, Polymer Bulletin.
Marlene J. Cran, Zongli Xie, Derrick Ng, M. Hoang, Stephen Gray (submitted 2017) Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol)/Epoxy-Modified Silica Nanoparticle Composite Membranes for Desalination by Pervaporation, JMS.
Q. Wang, N. Li, B. Bolto, M. Hoang and Z. Xie (2016) Desalination by Pervaporation: A Review, Desalination, 387, 46-60.
Z. Xie, D. Ng, M. Hoang, S. Adnan, J. Zhang, M. Duke, J.D. Li, A. Groth, C. Tun and S. Gray (2016) Preliminary Evaluation for VMD Energy Requirement, JMSR, 2, 207-213.
Refereed book chapters
M. Hoang and A.J. Hill (2012) Industrial emission treatment technologies. In Municipal and Industrial Waste Disposal, Xiao-Ying Yu (ed), InTech Publ.
B. Bolto, T. Tran and M. Hoang (2015) Fouling in reverse osmosis. In Efficient Desalination by Reverse Osmosis: A Best Practice Guide to RO, by S. Burn and S. R. Gray (eds), IWA Publishing, London.
B. Bolto, M. Hoang, S. Gray and Z. Xie (2015) New Generation Vapour Permeation Membranes. In Pervaporation, vapour permeation and membrane distillation: Principles and applications, A. Basile, A. Figoli and M. Khayet (eds), Woodhead Publishing, London.
Conference presentations
Z. Xie, D. Ng and M. Hoang (2017) Nanostructured Catalysts for Industrial Emission Control, Catalysed Energy Storage in Chemicals, Melbourne, Australia.
Z. Xie, D. Ng and M. Hoang (2017) Environmental Catalysis and Membrane Development, AIM17, Melbourne, Australia.
Z. Xie, D. Ng, M. Hoang (2016) R. Fisher and T. Duong, Iron-Cobalt oxide catalysts for N2O decomposition, Environmental Catalysis 2016, Newcastle, Australia.
Research grants
- Australia-India Strategic Research Funds, Low Energy Membrane Process for Water Separation and Purification, $1M for project.
- More than 40 commercial projects ranging from $50K to $1M from Australian industry.
Professional memberships
Fellow Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Areas of expertise
- Water separation and purification technology
- Industry process and wastewaters
- Environmental catalysis
- Reactor engineering
- Industrial emission control
- Membrane materials and technology