- IEEE Computer Society
- IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
- The Australia & New Zealand Mental Health Association
Jonny Low is a Teaching Focused Academic in IT at VU First Year College while working on his PhD research in the Faculty of IT, Monash University investigating AI in mental health. His research interests are Software Engineering, AI in Healthcare and Computer Network.
Apart from his PhD, he had co-investigated research projects related to biases in computer science education awarded by Google and hospital triage settings collaborating with Victoria Department of Health to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Apart from research, he has been teaching undergraduate and postgraduate IT units for the last 10 years in Monash University and the University of Melbourne.
Prior to returning as academic, he was attached to Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Services (now known as DXC Technology) as Global Network Delivery Manager and Senior Researcher with Telekom Research & Development (subsidiary of Telekom Malaysia).
Areas of expertise
- Software engineering
- AI in healthcare
- Computer networks
- Computer science education