Jillian is a full-time academic at the College of Sport, Health & Engineering at Victoria University.

She has spent many years as a Nurse, Educator and Quality Risk Manager overseeing quality, clinical governance and staff development for the Western region of Melbourne. She is passionate about all nursing but in particular Aged care and Mental Health, with a strong emphasis on improving standards of care and promoting and developing nursing knowledge and practice.

Areas of expertise

  • Mental health
  • Aged care

Contact details

+61 (3) 9919 2348


Conference presentations

Boardman, G. & Goullet, J. (2015) Research to Recovery Conference: A student inquiry into mental health nursing practice. ACMHN 41st International Mental Health Nursing Conference, Australian College of Mental Health Nurses.

Goullet, J. (2019) Education and support needs of residential aged care staff caring for residents with mental-palliative co-morbidity. 45th International Mental Health Nursing Conference, Australian College of Mental Health Nurses.