Refereed journal articles
Professor Bruck is an author on more than 70 full-length articles in scholarly journals and proceedings. The five below include the most recent.
Morandin M and Bruck D (2013) Understanding Automatic Behavior in Narcolepsy: New Insights Using a Phenomenological Approach, Open Sleep Journal, 6, 1-7.
Clever M and Bruck D (2013) Comparisons of the sleep quality, daytime sleepiness and sleep cognitions of Caucasian Australians, Zimbabwean and Ghanaian black immigrants. South African Journal of Psychology 43(1) 81 - 93.
Jackson M and Bruck D (2012) Sleep Abnormalities in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: A Review, Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Dec 15; 8(6):719-28.
Bruck D and Astbury J (2012) Population study on the predictors of sleeping difficulties in young women. Behavioural Sleep Medicine, 10(2), 84-95.
Bruck D and Thomas I (2012) Community-based research on the effectiveness of the home smoke alarm in waking up children. Fire and Materials 36(5-6), 339-348 (Invited contribution)
Refereed conference proceedings
Professor Bruck' research has been presented at over 100 national and international conferences. A recent selection is below.
Bruck D and Jackson ML (2013) The complex interplay between sleep and adolescent mental health and implications for clinical practice. 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Sleep Association, Plenary session.
Jackson ML, Diamond NT, Sztendur EM, Bruck D (2013) The Role of Sleep Difficulties in the Subsequent Development of Depression and Anxiety in a Longitudinal Study of Young Australian Women, American Professional Sleep Societies Scientific Meeting, Baltimore, MA Selected for an Honorable Mention Award and 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Sleep Association, Brisbane, October.
Bruck D and Jackson ML (2013) Does the simultaneous management of sleep health and mental health improve outcomes? Inaugural APS Health College Conference, Cairns.
Thomas I and Bruck D (2011) Smoke alarms in dwellings: Occupant safety through timely activation and effective notification. Suppression, Detection and Signaling Research and Applications Conference, Orlando, USA. Selected as a keynote presentation.
Astbury J, Bruck D and Loxton D (2010) Sexual violence as a predictor of sleep difficulties in a community sample of young women. 20th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-18 September and 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Sleep Association, Christchurch, New Zealand, 21-23 October and Australian Health and Medical Research Congress, Melbourne, 14-18 November 2010. Awarded Australasian Sleep Association Prize for the Best Presentation.
Bruck D (2006) Teenage Sleep: Understanding and helping the sleep of 12 to 20 year olds. (E- book, ISBN 1 86272 667 1) Wellness Promotion Unit, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
Research reports
M Grossman, Bruck, D, Stephenson, P, Dwyer, R, Roose, J (2013) Learning to Engage: A Review of Victoria Police Cross-Cultural Training Practices, Centre for Cultural Diversity & Wellbeing, Victoria University.