See more of Christopher's publications on the Victoria University Research Repository (VURR).
Refereed journal articles
Kneip Pelster, A., Coleman, J.D., Jawed-Wessel, S., Herten-Rodriguez, L, Irwin, J. & Fisher, C.M. (2022). Breast cancer survivorship and script theory. Sexuality Research & Social Policy.
Fisher, C.M., Kauer, S., Singleton, A. & Walsh-Buhi (2022). An examination of sexual health information sources, knowldge and behaviours among Australina teens: A latent class analysis. Sexuality Research & Social Policy.
Connor, S., Edvardsson, K., Fisher, C.M., & Spelten, E. (2021). Perceptions and interpretation of contemporary masculinities: A systematic review. American Journal of Men’s Health.
Kerr, L., Jones, T. & Fisher, C.M. (2021). Alleviating gender dysphoria: A qualitative study of perspectives of trans and gender diverse people. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy.
Ezer, P., Fisher, C.M., Jones, T. & Power, J. (2021). Changes in sexuality education teacher training since the release of the Australian Curriculum. Sexuality Research and Social Policy.
Kauer, S. & Fisher, C.M. (2022). Victorian young people and sexual health 2018: Findings from the 6th national survey of secondary students and sexual health. (ARCSHS Monograph Series No. 131) La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria.
Hooker, L., Ison, J., Henry, N., Fisher, Fisher, C.M., Forsdike, K., Young, F., Korsmeyer, H., O’Sullivan, G. & Taft, A. (2021). Primary prevention of sexual violence and harassment against women and girls: Combining evidence and practice knowledge – final report and theory of change. La Trobe University.
Fisher, C.M. & Kauer, S. (2019). National survey of Australian secondary students and sexual health 1992 – 2018: Trends over time, (ARCSHS Monograph Series No. 118), Bundoora; Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society, La Trobe University.
Fisher, C.M., Kauer, S., Waling, A., Bellamy, R., Ezer, P., Kerr, L., Brown, G., & Lucke, J. (2019). Western Australian survey of secondary students and sexual health 2018, (ARCSHS Monograph Series No. 115), Bundoora; Australia Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society, La Trobe University.
Fisher, C. M., Waling, A., Kerr, L., Bellamy, R., Ezer, P., Mikolajczak, G., Brown, G., Carman, M. & Lucke, J. (2019). 6th National Survey of Australian Secondary Students and Sexual Health 2018, (ARCSHS Monograph Series No. 113), Bundoora: Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society, La Trobe University.
Conference presentations
Bradfield, K., Kang, M., Marson, K., Torney, L. & Fisher, C.M. (2021). Is ‘consent education’ the solution to addressing sexual violence in Australia? Symposium, 25th Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health (virtual).
Fields, J., Newman, C., Fisher, C.M., Byron, P., Darnell, C. & Wishart, E. (2021). Developing sexual literacy among adults and youth. Symposium, Australasian Sexual Health Conference (virtual).
Fisher, C.M., Ezer, P., Kauer, S., Ion, J., Taft, A. & Hooker, L. (2021). “I was indifferent about it…”: A missed methods exploration of young people’s reasons for experience unwanted sexual events. Australasian Sexual Health Conference (virtual).
Fisher, C.M., Kauer, S., Singleton, A. & Walsh-Buhi (2020). Australian Adolescent sexual health information-seeking types. Joint Australasian HIV & AIDS and Sexual Health Conference, Virtual.
Swan, J., Kauer, S. & Fisher, C.M. (2020). Consistently inconsistent: The correlation between sexual identity, sexual behaviour and sexual attraction as measures of sexual orientation. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (virtual).