Caterina is an Honorary Fellow in the College of Arts. Her previous role at VU was as lecturer with a background in teaching Italian, French and English as an Additional Language (EAL). She taught at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Advanced English for Speakers of Other Languages and Communication Studies.
Caterina has research interests in additional language learning and teaching in both EAL and LOTE areas with a particular interest in Conversation Analysis of non-native speaker interactions. She is also researching the aspects of social media and integration into Australian life of the new wave of young Italian migrants.
Recent publications
Refereed journal articles
Cafarella, C. (2000) ‘Working together: Does it help?’ in Refereed Conference proceedings - 4th Pacific Rim –First Year in Higher Education Conference –International. QUT Brisbane 5-7 July 2000
Cafarella, C. (1999) ‘Peer Mentoring in an Advanced English Class for Non Native Speakers of English: A Project’, in Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Student Services Association Number 13, April 1999, pp. 108 –118.
Book chapter
Cafarella, C and R. Pascoe (2009) “The Newspaper for an ‘imagined community’” in Il Globo –Fifty years of an Italian newspaper in Australia , Mascitelli B and S. Battiston (eds) Connorcourt Publishing, Melbourne.
Conference presentations
Cafarella Caterina (2013) ‘Affiliation and Disaffiliation in paired non-native speaker feedback sessions and the effect on subsequent acceptance of peer suggestions’. Paper presented at International ALANZ/ALAA conference – Knowing, Being, Doing in Applied Linguistics 27-29 November 2013 Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Cafarella, Caterina (2009) ‘Computer mediated peer feedback in an English class for non-native speakers of English: What students do and benefits.’ Paper presented at International ALAA/ALANZ conference –“Participation and Acquisition: Exploring these metaphors in Applied Linguistics” December 2 –December 4 2009 Auckland University, New Zealand.
Cafarella, Caterina. (2000) ‘Is cross-year collaborative work successful for non-native speakers of English’. Third Biennial communication Skills in University Education (CSUE) Conference – “Making the Critical Connection”. Fremantle, Western Australia 28-29 September 2000.
Professional memberships
- Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA)
- Languages and Cultures Network for Australian Universities (LCNAU)
Areas of expertise
- Communication strategies of non-native speaker of English
- Conversation analysis of non-native speaker interactions
- Discourse & cross cultural communication