Andrew joined CIRES in 2016 after a long career as a consultant where he advised organisations on a wide range of education-related issues. These included funding model development, performance measurement and system design.

Andrew has applied many different analytical approaches to the work he has undertaken or led. These include statistical and econometric analysis through to microeconomic modelling.

Andrew has advised a number of government reviews, most notably the Review of Funding for Schooling (the “Gonski Review”).

Analysis led by Andrew formed the basis of the Schooling Resource Standard per student amount, which underpins Commonwealth funding for Australia’s schools.

In his role with CIRES Andrew is continuing his work on education funding, as well as exploring related issues in the economics of education in Australia. Andrew has also undertaken analysis of NAPLAN data, examining how this data is used to measure and report the performance of Australia’s schools.

Areas of expertise

  • Economics of education
  • Education funding approaches and models
  • Microeconomic modelling
  • Quantitative data analysis

Contact details

+61 (3) 9919 7787

Recent publications

Lamb, S., Huo, S., Walstab, A., Wade, A., Maire, Q., Doecke, E., Jackson, J., & Endekov, Z. (2020). Educational opportunity in Australia 2020: Who succeeds and who misses out (PDF, 2.1MB), Centre for International Research on Education Systems, Victoria University, for the Mitchell Institute, Melbourne: Mitchell Institute.

Wade, A. (2018) The potential for including household wealth in a measure of capacity to contribute, Victoria University, Melbourne 

Wade, A. (2018) The potential for including school income and wealth in a measure of capacity to contribute, Victoria University, Melbourne 

Wade, A. (2017) The Socio-Economic Status (SES) score methodology used in recurrent school funding arrangements, Victoria University, Melbourne  

Noonan, P., Burke, G., Wade, A. & Pilcher, S. (2015)   Expenditure on education and training in Australia: Update and analysis, Mitchell Institute, Melbourne: ii + 8pp 

Noonan, P., Burke, G., Wade, A. & Pilcher, S. (2014)  Expenditure on education and training in Australia, Mitchell Institute, Melbourne: iii + 13pp

Noonan, P. and Wade, A.  (2013) “Human capital and economic growth”, in Committee for Economic Development of Australia, Australia Adjusting: Optimising national prosperity (edited by V. Fitzgerald & N. Taylor), Melbourne.

View Andrew's publications in the VU Research Repository

Professional memberships

Current roles and memberships include:

  • Economics Society of Australia
  • Association of Education Finance and Policy (USA)
  • American Economic Association.


Industry experience

Industry experience includes over 15 years' experience in public policy advice and consulting.