Refereed book chapters
Szendroe, A (1999) Working with and Managing Cancer Patients, In Cancer Facts: A Concise Oncology Text (pp. ), Harwood Academic Publishers (edited by Bishop, J, F.) The Gordan and breach Publishing Group
Conference presentations
Testa, D, Szendroe, A (2014) Facilitating mindful supervision: a university and health sector partnership for skilling frontline workers, Australian and New Zealand Social Work Welfare Educators (ANZSWWER), Symposium Melbourne
Szendroe, A, (2002), Establishing a Research Partnership Program: Challenges for Social Work, International Social Work Conference – Finland
Cannon, A, Szendroe, A (2001) Secret Men’s Business, Breast Care Nurses 3rd Annual Conference, Adelaide
Szendroe, A (2000) Men’s experience: A live interview with a partner of a woman with breast cancer, Breast Care Nurses 2nd Annual Conference, Melbourne
Szendroe, A, (1997) Managing Organisational Change within Social Work, Australian Social Work National Conference, Canberra
Panel: (1996) The merits of qualitative and quantitative methodology in social science research, Clinical Oncology Society of Australia – Melbourne
Szendroe, A (1995) Ask the client: a group education model for people undergoing a Bone Marrow or Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant, Clinical Oncology Society of Australia, Western Australia