Alexander Xynas is an early career academic in law and criminal justice.He holds a Bachelor of Laws (Honours), a Bachelor of Commerce, and a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice.

Alexander is also a practicing Australian Lawyer. His academic research interests are in alternative dispute resolution court processes, the criminal justice system and commercial law. Alexander has demonstrated excellence in his teaching approaches and in supporting student learning in both the in person and online teaching environments and is currently completing the Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching.


Areas of expertise

  • Law
  • Criminal justice

Contact details

+61 (3) 9919 5470


  • A Xynas, (2021) Expanding ADR in Our Courts: Mediation and the Judiciary, Journal of Judicial Administration 30(4): 155-180. 
  • A Xynas, (2022) Drugs of Dependence- Use and Possession Offences in Victoria – Is it time for Reform?’ Criminal Law Journal.


Professional experience

Practicing Solicitor