International Business Challenge

Unit code: BPD2100 | Study level: Undergraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
City Campus
Footscray Park
Online Real Time
VU Sydney
BPD1100 - Integrated Business Challenge (applicable for BBNS, SBSB, ABPB students ONLY)
All students must also have successfully completed a minimum of 8 units.
(Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator)


International Business Challenge is the second unit in the Business challenge stream. The unit focusses on engagement with global business particularly in Asia, business project management and career development and management. The unit continues the development of academic, professional and personal skills commenced in the First Year units and in particular in the Integrated Business Challenge unit.

The International Business Challenge unit provides an international context to analyse the trends and opportunities in the global market through a problem solving and project management framework via an international project. Students develop an intercultural understanding from a personal, professional and business perspective as well as an appreciation of the distinctive nature of working in diverse local and global communities.

The International project will utilise project management and problem solving principles in the development of business concept proposals and business plans. Students develop and deliver unique entrepreneurial ideas and apply their learning in other business units to a current business problem and sell their proposal to decision makers in a simulated highly competitive business environment. This unit of study expects all students to utilise knowledge from a broad range of other discipline areas including, business analysis and management, operation management, project management, business economics, marketing, human resource management, accounting, finance, business law, information technology, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethics management.

Students commence the development of a career portfolio that involves designing their career plan, CV and a professional webfolio which can be used to market students skills and abilities to prospective employers. This enables students to evidence the incremental growth of their interrelated business and professional skills.

The unit is based on an action learning model which aims to continue to develop students skills in critical thinking, problem solving and collaborative working through group and teamwork, interactive class-based activities, team-based projects and a case study approach to business issues. Students in this unit are expected to work in diverse team environments, while developing beneficial lifelong skills such as organisational skills, conflict management skills, problem solving skills, research skills and communication skills.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Understand the skills, knowledge and attributes of a business professional in order to substantiate the design of an effective career eportfolio;
  2. Develop professional career eportfolio (webpages) of relevant skills and experiences, Career SWOT analysis, coherent Career Plan and CV;
  3. Assess business challenges and opportunities in a changing international business environment through application of business and academic research skills, while managing team dynamics and being an effective team member;
  4. Contextualise, gather, collate and evaluate information to support decision making in international setting;
  5. Prepare and present a business case that contribute to professional practice and addresses international business problems;
  6. Deliver a convincing business pitch presentation through supporting evidence in an oral presentation to a variety of audiences; and,
  7. Participate in an academic community through reflective and critical engagement in academic texts and understanding of principles of academic integrity.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Presentation
Grade: 25%
Business Pitch (Group)
Assessment type: Assignment
Grade: 35%
Business Case (Group)
Assessment type: Portfolio
Grade: 40%
Career e-portfolio / webfolio (Individual): Part 1 (10%) and Part 2 (30%)
Assessment type: Other
Grade: 0%
Evidence of completion of the Academic Integrity Modules

Required reading

Students are expected to read the session readings and resources available through VU Collaborate International Business Challenge before each seminar.

Project Management, Best Practices [electronic resource]: Achieving Global Excellence,
Kerzner, Harold 2018,| Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

As part of a course

This unit is not compulsory for any specific course. Depending on the course you study, this unit may be taken as an elective.

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