Sport Business Insights
Part of VU's Sport Performance & Business program, the Sport Business Insights group looks to improve sport-business practices at an individual and organisational level.
Our group specialises in data-driven decision making to ensure/guarantee the integrity of sport (statement of purpose). Ultimately, our research should provide evidence that will support decision making in regard to policy development and policy implementation (statement of impact).
We are therefore committed to strengthening partnerships to solve problems faced by the sporting industry.

Our research
The overall aims of the Sport Business Insights Group are:
- to enhance sports organisations’ capability in terms of the performance of individuals, business practices and delivery systems in sport organisations
- to facilitate multi‐disciplinary, cross‐college collaborations to address global/big‐picture, real‐world problems facing sport business
- to work closely with other data analytics driven research initiatives in VU (such as Sport and Recreation Spatial, GIG and Track) in order to build multidisciplinary data analytics research and consulting capacity and to be a knowledge generation and translational research group
- to strengthen existing and develop new partnerships with government, community and industry to advance sport business intelligence
- for the group’s research to be a key ‘pillar’ for the VU Sport Flagship and make a significant contribution to delivering on the VU Sport Strategy.
When we refer to 'sport's capability', we are interested in addressing that capability in a range of sport-business–related areas:
- achieving competitive advantage in local and global markets
- effective and ethical management of resources and functions
- ethical leadership and social responsibility
- meeting or surpassing legal, professional and industry standards regarding competition fairness and participant safety
- meeting community expectations around social inclusion and development.