CGE training
Apply for a Centre of Policy Studies training course
The Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS) runs regular events and Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) training courses in Australia and overseas.

About our courses
Each CGE training course uses a particular CGE model to teach:
- the basic theory and structure shared by most CGE models
- how such models are represented and solved using GEMPACK
- how to interpret and report model results.
At least half of the time is given to lab sessions where participants build skills by completing exercises with detailed written instructions and plenty of personal help. There are usually around five students per instructor, and at least two instructors have 10 or 20 years of CGE experience.
Several week-long courses are held each year, either in Australia or overseas, drawing participants from a range of countries and backgrounds.
2024 events
The Introductory Practical GE Modelling Course, 15-19 July 2024
Location: 370 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
When: 15-19 July 2024
Contact for enquiries: Louise Pinchen ( [email protected] )
Description: This year our Introductory Practical GE course will be delivered in-person in the Melbourne CBD, hosted by the Centre of Policy Studies, in the Victoria University city tower buildin.The course focuses on a typical single-region applied general equilibrium model: the ORANI-G model of the Australian economy. For more than two decades, variants of ORANI-G have been used in policy analysis for the economies of more than 30 countries around the world. The course aims to introduce participants to the ideas and techniques of CGE modelling, and to equip them to start using, adapting or constructing CGE models for their own simulations.
Find out more (Registration is now closed)
Location: University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in Beijing
When: 22-26 July 2024
Contact for enquiries: [email protected]This is an intensive one-week course introducing participants to the equations and data structure of comparative static TERM (a multiregional CGE model of a single country) of China, and providing them with extensive hands-on experience with the GEMPACK software used to solve CGE models. It will be hosted by the the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in Beijing.
Location: Self-paced online, hosted by the Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University, Melbourne
When: 29 July – 9 August 2024
Contact for enquiries: Louise Pinchen ( [email protected] )
Description:This two-week course is aimed at participants from varied time zones who are prepared to work somewhat independently with help through discussion groups and email. This course covers the same core material as the 15–19 July 2024 in-person course but excludes the group projects.As a participant you will work independently with the course lecture videos, recorded video help for all practical exercises and help by email and discussion groups (24-hour response).
The course focuses on a typical single-region applied general equilibrium model: the ORANI-G model of the Australian economy. For more than two decades, variants of ORANI-G have been used in policy analysis for the economies of more than 30 countries around the world. The course aims to introduce participants to the ideas and techniques of CGE modelling, and to equip them to start using, adapting or constructing CGE models for their own simulations.
Registration for this course is now closed.
Location: J. G. Crawford Building, 132 Lennox Crossing, Acton ACT 2601 Australia
When: 9–10 September 2024
Contact for enquiries: Louise Pinchen [email protected]The Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and the VU Centre of Policy Studies are hosting the National Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modelling Workshop at the Weston Theatre in the Crawford School of Public Policy.
The National CGE Workshop is an annual event that provides a forum for CGE modellers to exhibit and discuss their work. Presentations are usually allocated 15-20 minutes with 5 minutes for questions.
Presentations based on a completed paper or work-in-progress are acceptable. The program will be 1 or 2 days, to be decided, depending on the number of presentations.
Location: Arsenal, Objekt 20, A-1030, Vienna, Austria
When: 7-11 October 2024
Contact for enquiries: Louise Pinchen, [email protected]The Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS) offers an intensive one-week course introducing participants to the equations and data structure of Dynamic TERM (a multiregional CGE model of a single country) and providing them with extensive hands-on experience with the GEMPACK software used to solve CGE models. It will be hosted by the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) in Vienna.
TERM (The Enormous Regional Model) is a multiregional CGE model of a single country, which is "bottom-up" – it treats each region as a separate economy. Two key features of TERM are: (a) its ability to solve quickly with a large number of regions or sectors, and (b) its database construction methodology, which allows a multiregional database to be constructed quickly, even with quite limited regional data. Dynamic TERM is a recursive-dynamic version that allows the effects of economic shocks to be tracked over time.
Location: Online
When: 14-25 October 2024This is a two-week comparative-static regional CGE course based on the TERM-USA model of the United States. TERM-USA is the well-known TERM model paired with a regional database for the USA. In this course we use an 11-region state-based aggregation of the 50 US states. The course format is online and self-paced, meaning participants work largely independently over the two weeks, with support via email and the course portal.
Find more information including how to apply on the course webpage
2023 events
Location: Université de Bordeaux, Pey-Berland, 35 Place Pey Berland, 33000 Bordeaux, France
When: 9am - 3.30pm, 13 June 2023
Contact for enquiries: Louise Pinchen ( [email protected] )
Description: This 1-day GEMPACK training course presents several practical exercises aimed at the experienced user with a focus on recent GEMPACK releases and other topics that go beyond running simulations and analysis of results. This course runs on the Tuesday before the GTAP conference 14-16 June 2023.
Location: Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Vienna
When: 19–23 June 2023
Description: The Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS) offers an intensive one-week course, 19–23 June 2023, introducing participants to the equations and data structure of TERM, a multiregional CGE model. It will be hosted by the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) in Vienna.The theory of TERM and introductory computer exercises are worked through using TERM-USA, an implementation of TERM for USA. Group projects will use EuroTERM, an implementation of TERM for Europe. The course provides participants with extensive hands-on experience with the GEMPACK software used to solve CGE models.
Location: University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Beijing, China
When: 3-7 July 2023
The Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS) at Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia offers a five-day intensive course introducing participants to a dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the Chinese economy, CHINAGEM, and to GEMPACK software.
The course will be hosted by the Center of Economic Policy and Trade Analysis (CEPTA) and the Digital Economy Laboratory, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) during 3-7 July 2023.
The course will be lectured in English and Chinese with tutoring available in Chinese during computer sessions. The key instructors of this course are Professor Philip Adams and Dr Xiujian Peng.
Location: Melbourne CBD, hosted by the Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University
When: 17–21 July 2023
Contact for enquiries: Louise Pinchen ( [email protected] )
Description: This year our Introductory Practical GE course will be delivered in-person in the Melbourne CBD at a location to be announced.The course focuses on a typical single-region applied general equilibrium model: the ORANI-G model of the Australian economy. For more than two decades, variants of ORANI-G have been used in policy analysis for the economies of more than 30 countries around the world. The course aims to introduce participants to the ideas and techniques of CGE modelling, and to equip them to start using, adapting or constructing CGE models for their own simulations.
Location: Self-paced online, hosted by the Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University, Melbourne
When: 31 July – 11 August 2023
Contact for enquiries: Louise Pinchen ( [email protected] )
This two-week course is aimed at participants from time zones which do not overlap well with the Australian Eastern time zone (Melbourne time). This course covers the same core material as the 17–21 July 2023 hybrid in-person and online Zoom course.As a participant you will work independently with the course lecture videos, recorded video help for all practical exercises, help by email (24-hour response).
The course focuses on a typical single-region applied general equilibrium model: the ORANI-G model of the Australian economy. For more than two decades, variants of ORANI-G have been used in policy analysis for the economies of more than 30 countries around the world. The course aims to introduce participants to the ideas and techniques of CGE modelling, and to equip them to start using, adapting or constructing CGE models for their own simulations.
Location: Online
When: 9-20 October 2023
This is a two-week comparative-static regional CGE course based on the TERM-USA model of the United States. TERM-USA is the TERM model paired with a regional database for the USA. In this course we use an 11-region state-based aggregation of the 50 US states. The course format is online and self-paced, meaning participants work largely independently over the two weeks, with support via email and the course portal. More information including how to apply is available on the course webpage.
2022 events
This self-paced training course is for people who want to include Melitz features in GTAP computations. It demonstrates how to integrate elements of modern trade theory, particularly the Melitz model with firm-level product differentiation, along with the traditional national differentiated products model of Armington and monopolistic competition models of Krugman and others, into the GTAP model.
The course will be delivered as a sequence of lectures. An illustrative example is worked through in detail simulating the effects of a 10% tariff on wearing apparel comparing Armington and Melitz results. The Melitz theory is implemented by adding code to the existing GTAP model. Participants will gain a theoretical and practical understanding of how to implement elements of modern trade theory in GTAP.
Course material: four video lectures (streaming only) total time 4.5 hrs, reference publications (downloadable)
Prerequisites: experience with the GTAP model, a good understanding of the GTAP Tablo code and underlying theory
Length: one day
Access mode: web login
Access duration: 90 days from payment
Price: AUD $500Registration & payment
Location: Online via Zoom, hosted by the Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University, Melbourne
When: 18–22 July 2022
Contact for enquiries: Louise Pinchen ( [email protected] )
Description: This year our Introductory Practical GE course will be delivered simultaneously in-person and online via Zoom. The schedule will be based on Melbourne time (AEST; UTC+10:00): 9am to 6pm Monday to Thursday, 9am to 4pm Friday.The course will be hosted at Cliftons Conference Venues at 440 Collins Street, Melbourne. The venue offers a hybrid environment which allows in-person and remote participants to see and hear each other.
The course focuses on a typical single-region applied general equilibrium model: the ORANI-G model of the Australian economy. For more than two decades, variants of ORANI-G have been used in policy analysis for the economies of more than 30 countries around the world. The course aims to introduce participants to the ideas and techniques of CGE modelling, and to equip them to start using, adapting or constructing CGE models for their own simulations.
Location: University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in Beijing
When: July/August 2022
Contact for enquiries: Xiujian Peng ( [email protected] )
Description: A dynamic CGE course with the ChinaGEM model is offered in Beijing. This face-to-face course is hosted by the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in Beijing. The sessions will be conducted in English and Mandarin. Lectures will be delivered via Zoom by CGE experts from the Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS), Victoria University, Melbourne. Practical computer sessions will be run with local tutors assisting face-to-face.Location: Self-paced online, hosted by the Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University, Melbourne
When: 1–12 August 2022
Contact for enquiries: Louise Pinchen ( [email protected] )
Description: This two-week course is aimed at participants from time zones which do not overlap well with the Australian Eastern time zone (Melbourne time). This course covers the same material as the 18-22 July 2022 hybrid in-person and online Zoom course. As a participant you will work independently with the course lecture videos, recorded video help for all practical exercises, help by email (24-hour response) and a two-hour tutorial session at the end of each week.The course focuses on a typical single-region applied general equilibrium model: the ORANI-G model of the Australian economy. For more than two decades, variants of ORANI-G have been used in policy analysis for the economies of more than 30 countries around the world. The course aims to introduce participants to the ideas and techniques of CGE modelling, and to equip them to start using, adapting or constructing CGE models for their own simulations.
Location: Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Vienna
When: 26–30 September 2022
Description: The Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS) offers an intensive one-week course, 26-30 September 2022, introducing participants to the equations and data structure of TERM, a multiregional CGE model. It will be hosted by the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) in Vienna.The theory of TERM and introductory computer exercises are worked through using TERM-USA, an implementation of TERM for USA. Group projects will use EuroTERM, an implementation of TERM for Europe. The course provides participants with extensive hands-on experience with the GEMPACK software used to solve CGE models.
Location: Self-paced online, hosted by the Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University, Melbourne
When: 10–21 October 2022
Contact for enquiries: Louise Roos ( [email protected] )
Description: This is a new two week comparative-static regional CGE course based on the TERM-USA model of the United States. TERM-USA is the TERM model paired with a regional database for the USA. In this course we use an 11-region state-based aggregation of the 50 US states. The course format is online and self-paced, meaning participants work largely independently over the two weeks, with email support and 4 live tutorials available.The National CGE Workshop is an annual event that provides a forum for CGE modellers to exhibit and discuss their work. This year the keynote speaker is Professor Peter Dixon.
The workshop will be held in Melbourne's CBD at the State Library Victoria Conference Centre.
Past events
- Online: Introductory Practical GE Modelling Course, online via Zoom, 12-16 July 2021
- Online: Introductory Practical GE Modelling Course, self-paced online, 26 July - 6 August 2021
- ChinaGEM Dynamic CGE modelling course, Beijing, 19-23 July 2021
- The online self-paced TERM-USA course, 18-29 October 2021
- Introductory Practical GE Modelling course, Beijing, 13-17 January 2020
- Online: Introductory Practical GE Modelling Course, online, 13-17 July 2020
- 2-day Advanced GEMPACK course, Melbourne, 20-21 July 2020
Cancelled events:
- 1-day Advanced GEMPACK course, Tokyo 15 June 2020
- 1-day Melitz-in-GTAP course, Tokyo, 16 June 2020
- USA Dynamic CGE course with the USAGE model, Washington DC, November 2020
- USA dynamic CGE course with the USAGE model, Washington, 3-7 June 2019
- 1-day Advanced GEMPACK course, Warsaw, 17 June 2019
- 1-day Melitz-in-GTAP course, Warsaw, 18 June 2019
- Introductory Practical GE Modelling course, Melbourne, 15-19 July 2019
- 2-day Advanced GEMPACK course, Melbourne, 21-22 July 2019
- CGE Modelling workshop, Melbourne, 12 August 2019
- 5-day Practical GE Modelling Course, Vienna, 9-13 September 2019
- Regional CGE course based on the SINOTERM mode, China, September/October 2018
- Five-day Introductory Practical GE Modelling course, UK, 10-14 September 2018
- Two-day National CGE Workshop & GEMPACK courses, Sydney, 13-14 August 2018
- Three-day Regional CGE course based on the TERM model of the USA, Vietnam, 1-3 August 2018
- Two-day Advanced GEMPACK course, Melbourne, 23-24 July 2018
- Five-day Introductory Practical GE Modelling course, Melbourne, 16-20 July 2018
- Five-day China Dynamic CGE course using the CHINAGEM model, China, 9-13 July 2018
- Four-day USA Dynamic CGE course with the USAGE model, presenting dynamic general equilibrium modelling as a practical tool for forecasting and policy analysis, June 2018
- One-day Advanced GEMPACK course, 12 June 2018
- Five-day Dynamic CGE course based on a Middle East economy, Dubai, 26-30 November 2017
- Two-day Advanced GEMPACK course, Melbourne, 20-21 November 2017
- Introductory Practical GE Modelling course, Melbourne, 13-17 November 2017
- CGE Workshop & GEMPACK courses, Melbourne, 7-8 August 2017
- USA Dynamic CGE course with the USAGE model, Washington DC, 19-23 June 2017
- One-day Advanced GEMPACK course, 6 June 2017
- Regional CGE course with Chinese database, based on the TERM or SINOTERM model, 3-7 July 2017
- CGE Modelling Course in the Middle East, Dubai, 27 November-1 December 2016
- Advanced GEMPACK course, Melbourne, 20-21 November 2017
- Introductory Practical GE Modelling course, Melbourne, 14-18 November 2016
- Advanced GEMPACK Training, Warsaw, 12-13 September 2016
- TERM CGE modelling course, Warsaw, 5-10 September 2016
- The Introductory Practical GE Modelling course, Beijing, 4-8 July 2016
- USAGE CGE Modelling Course, Washington, 20-24 June 2016
- GEMPACK training, Washington, 14 June 2016
- CoPS PhD Open Day, Melbourne, 1 April 2016
- Practical GE Modelling Course, Melbourne, 15-19 February 2016