CIRES publications
Researchers at CIRES regularly publish their work in formats such as book chapters, journal articles, commissioned reports and conference papers.

Commissioned reports
2020 reports
- Doecke, E. (2020). Young Entrepreneurs Program Pilot: Initial findings. Prepared for the Global Village.
- CIRES. (2020, March). Fair Education in New South Wales. Final Evaluation Report. Prepared for the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation.
- Lamb, S., Maire, Q., Doecke, E., Macklin, S., Noble, K. & Pilcher, S. (2020). Impact of learning from home on educational outcomes for disadvantaged children. Brief assessment. Prepared for the Australian Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) (now the Department of Education). Canberra: DESE.
Research reports
- Colvin, E. J. & Knight, E. B. (2021). Supporting Care Experienced Young People into Higher Education. Collier Fund 4 Report. Charles Sturt University.
- Lamb, S., Huo, S., Walstab, A., Wade, A., Maire, Q., Doecke, E., Jackson, J., & Endekov, Z. (2020). Educational opportunity in Australia 2020: Who succeeds and who misses out. Centre for International Research on Education Systems, Victoria University, for the Mitchell Institute, Melbourne: Mitchell Institute.
- Webb, S., Rawolle, S., Hodge, S., Bathmaker, A-M., Gale, T. and Knight, E. (2020) Vocational Institutions, Undergraduate Degrees. Dissemination Report, Monash University, Melbourne.
- Webb, S., Rawolle, S., Hodge, S., Gale, T., Bathmaker, A-M., Knight, E. and Parker, S. (2019) Degrees of Difference, Examining the Scope, Provision and Equity Effects of Degrees in Vocational Institutions, ARC Discovery 170101885 Interim Project Report, Monash University, Melbourne.
- Lamb, S., Maire, Q., Walstab, A., Newman, G., Doecke, E. & Davies, M. (2018). Improving participation and success in VET for disadvantaged learners. Adelaide: NCVER.
- Lamb, S. & Huo, S. (2017). Counting the costs of lost opportunity in Australian education. Mitchell Institute report No. 02/2017. Melbourne: Mitchell Institute.
- Lamb, S., Jackson, J., Walstab, A., & Huo, S. (2015). Educational opportunity in Australia 2015: Who succeeds and who misses out, Centre for International Research on Education Systems, Victoria University, for the Mitchell Institute, Melbourne: Mitchell Institute.
Books & book chapters
- Maire, Q. (2021). Credential Market. Mass Schooling, Academic Power and the International Baccalaureate Diploma. Cham: Springer.
- Teese, R. (2015). For the Common Weal. The public high school in Victoria 1910-2010. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing.
Book chapters
- Bennett, D., Knight, E., Divan, A., Bell, K. (2019). Marketing Graduate Employability: The Language of Employability in Higher Education. Education for Employability (Volume 2) 105–116.
- Maire, Q. (2019). Bringing the citizen back in: A sociopolitical approach to global citizenship education. In Peterson, A., Stahl, G., & Soong, H. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Citizenship and Education (pp.1-15). Cham: Palgrave McMillan.
- Doecke, E. (2018). The challenge and benefit of comparative research in education systems and the impact of PISA. In Nicki, B., Herrschner, I., Goździak, E. (Eds.), German-Australian Encounters and Cultural Transfers: Global Dynamics in Transnational Lands (pp. 97-107). Singapore: Springer.
- Maire, Q., & Lamb, S. (2017). Inequalities in Students' Well-being Experiences and Skills in French Secondary Education: A Perspective from the International Study of City Youth (ISCY) in Bordeaux. In J. Marcionetti, L. Castelli, & A. Crescentini (Eds.), Well-being in Education Systems Conference Abstract Book. Locarno 2017 (pp. 94-98). Florence, Italy: Hogrefe.
Journal articles
Journal articles are listed alphabetical by family name of the first author.
- Bacchus, R., Colvin, E., Knight, E.B., Ritter, L. (2019). When rubrics aren’t enough: Exploring exemplars and student rubric co-construction. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy 17, 48–61.
- Bennett, D., Knight, E., & Bell, K. (2020). Graduate employability and the career thinking of university STEMM students, Teaching in Higher Education, 25(6), 750-765.
- Bennett, D., Knight, E., Dockery, A.M., & Bawa, S. (2020). Pedagogies for employability: understanding the needs of STEM students through a new approach to employability development, Higher Education Pedagogies, 5(1), 340-359.
- Bennett, D., Knight, E., Jevons, C., Ananthram, S. (2020). Business students’ thinking about their studies and future careers. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 0, 1–6.
- Bennett, D., Knight, E., & Rowley, J. (2020). The role of hybrid learning spaces in enhancing higher education students’ employability. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(4), 1188-1202.
- Bennett, D., Knight, E., Divan, A., Kuchel, L., Horn, J., van Reyk, D., Burke da Silva, K. (2017). How do research-intensive universities portray employability strategies? A review of their websites. Australian Journal of Career Development 26, 52–61.
- Divan, A., Knight, E., Bennett, D., Bell, K. (2019). Marketing graduate employability: understanding the tensions between institutional practice and external messaging. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 41, 485–499.
- Knight, E. (2020). The homogenisation of prospectuses over the period of massification in the UK. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education 0, 1-18.
- Knight, E. (2020). Tracing the changing value of higher education through English prospectuses 1976–2013. Higher Education Research & Development 39, 141–155.
- Knight, E., 2019. Massification, Marketisation and Loss of Differentiation in Pre-Entry Marketing Materials in UK Higher Education. Social Sciences 8, 304.
- Nolan, A., & Lamb, S. (2018). Exploring the social justice work of early childhood educators. Policy Futures in Education, 17(5), 618-633.
- Perry, L.B., & Lamb, S. (2016). Curricular Differentiation and Stratification in Australia. Orbis Scholae, 10(3), 27-47.
- Windle, J., & Maire, Q. (2019). Beyond the global city: A comparative analysis of cosmopolitanism in middle-class educational strategies in Australia and Brazil. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 40(5), 717-733.
Working paper series
School selectivity & equity
- Tham, M. (2021). School selectivity and socioeconomic and academic stratification in metropolitan Sydney and Melbourne. CIRES Working Paper 02/2021. Melbourne: Centre for International Research on Education Systems, Victoria University.
- Tham, M. (2021). Selective schooling and equity: policy proposals for addressing socioeconomic and academic stratification in Australian schools. CIRES Working Paper 02/2021: Policy Brief. Melbourne: Centre for International Research on Education Systems, Victoria University.
Philanthropy & support for disadvantaged schools
- Doecke, E., & Newman, G. (2021). What is the potential for philanthropy to address inequality within disadvantaged schools? Learning from an evaluation of the Fair Education program in New South Wales. CIRES Working Paper 01/2021. Melbourne: Centre for International Research on Education Systems, Victoria University.
- Doecke, E., & Newman, G. (2021). What is the potential for philanthropy to address inequality within disadvantaged schools? Policy implications of an evaluation of the Fair Education program in New South Wales. CIRES Working Paper 01/2021: Policy Brief. Melbourne: Centre for International Research on Education Systems, Victoria University.
Technical & policy papers
- Jackson, J., & Lamb, S. (2014). ISCY Working Paper: Creating winners and battlers: examining inequality between Melbourne schools. Melbourne: Victoria University, Centre for International Research on Educational Systems.
- Lamb, S., Jackson, J., & Rumberger, R. (2015). ISCY Technical Paper: Measuring 21st century skills in ISCY. Technical Report. Melbourne: Victoria University, Centre for International Research on Educational Systems.
- Noonan, P., Burke, G., Wade, A., & Pilcher, S. (2015). Expenditure on education and training in Australia: Update and analysis, Mitchell Institute Policy Paper 08/2015. Melbourne: Mitchell Institute.
- Noonan, P., Burke, G., Wade, A. & Pilcher, S. (2014). Expenditure on education and training in Australia. Analysis and background paper. Mitchell Institute Analysis and background paper 01/2014. Melbourne: Mitchell Institute.