Response to Working Together to Shape Teacher Education in Victoria discussion paper

In our response to the Working Together to Shape Teacher Education in Victoria Discussion Paper, we recommend some ways to develop the teaching workforce.
Sunday 1 January 2017

To improve these student outcomes, we need to further support and develop the teaching workforce. We need to focus on all teachers to develop the capabilities of young people.

The Framework for Improving Student Outcomes rightly focuses on the need for teachers, principals and schools to work together to strengthen teaching and assessment – but this misses a key resource, universities. Universities have a key role to play in supporting schools to research and apply evidenced based practices, and teacher education can be used as a catalyst for change.

Not only do teachers need to be able to develop students to have inquiring minds that can think critically and creatively, but these learning traits are critical for teachers to possess. An education system where groups of teachers are supported to identify a particular aspect of learning, examine the evidence base, trial teaching practices and assess impact on student learning should be the goal.

In our response to Working Together to Shape Teacher Education in Victoria Discussion Paper (PDF, 427.22 KB), we recommend some ways to help achieve these goals.