Preventing & countering violent extremism research
This research group develops and advances scientific knowledge about the human impact and causes of violent extremism.
We have an applied and translational focus that aims to have a positive social impact though building strong, safe, liveable and inclusive communities.
Collaboration is central to our approach and we seek to co-design and produce our research with our stakeholders to ensure it meets their needs.
Research areas
Research areas include:
- Countering Violent Extremism
- Counter Terrorism
- Inclusive Communities
- Racism

Research projects
- Applied research into countering violent extremism (CVE) and counter-terrorism (CT) risk assessment tools
- Iterative Review, Validation and Development of Radar CVE Case Management Tool
- Applied Security Science Partnership (ASSP): A new generation initiative to counter violent extremism
- Evaluation of the Victorian Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (V-FTAC)
- Revisiting Risk - An Assessment of How Terrorism Subjects Make the Transition to Violence
- Mapping networks and narratives of emerging far-right social movements in Victoria
- Mapping Networks and Narratives of Far-Right Social Movements in New South Wales
- Broadcasting Model to Counter Violent Extremism
- Understanding the impact of media reporting of terrorism on countering violent extremism
- Exploring the Multi-dimensional Role of Former Extremists in the Prevention, Intervention and Countering of Violent Extremism
- From Villain to Hero: The Journey of Former Extremists
- P2P youth dialogue, storytelling and violent extremism
- Understanding the appeal of violent extremism among young people
- Dissenting Citizenship? Understanding Individuals' Vulnerabilities to Right-Wing Extremism on the Local Level
- Collaborative Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies (CRIS)
- Symbiotic Radicalisation: The interplay between the far-right and far-left activism In Australia (CRIS)
- The role of mainstream media in the mobilisation of radical political movements (CRIS)
- Hate speakers: Following the money (CRIS)
- Far Right in Australia: Intellectuals, Masculinity and Citizenship (ARC Discovery)
Find out who's in our team, and read our researcher biographies via the links.
Partners, funders & collaborators
We collaborate with many high-profile community and government agencies, as well as Australian universities.