
Implementing Effective Climate Policies - International Conference and Workshop

This event has already taken place.

Wednesday 7 September 2011
Thursday 8 September 2011

The outlook for the earth's climate continues to deteriorate, but it is difficult to put in place effective climate policies. How can we implement good policies, in various countries, to achieve the promise of low carbon growth?

The Closing Window: Implementing Effective Climate Policies

International Conference, Wednesday 7 September 2011

This conference placed Australia's climate policies in the context of those in China, the EU and the USA, and addressed some key implementation issues for Australia:

  • What are the implications of the Government's proposals for a wide range of users, industries and locations?
  • What needs to be done to ensure that these proposals are put in place on a sound and sustainable basis?

The Clean Technology Revolution, China and Australia

Workshop, 8 September 2011

The workshop focused on two themes:

  • Adopting a low carbon pattern of development in China and Australia
    The necessity, and scope, of deeper structural reforms to each nation's economy in tackling rising energy use and carbon emissions as well as realising the opportunities of green growth
  • Australia, China and the Clean Technology Revolution
    Development of 'low carbon' clean technologies in China and the implications for Australia with an emphasis on identifying potential partnerships and complementary relations in the energy and clean-technology sectors.

Presentations - Day 1: 'The closing window:Implementing effective climate policies'

Global Climate Action
National and International Context Prof Peter Sheehan, Victoria University
Containing Global Warming: A View from China

Toward China's Low Carbon Society
Dr  Jiang Kejun, Energy Research Institute, NDRC China
View from the US (background) Mr James Goldstene by video link
California Air Resources Board
The European Experience with Climate Policies
Dr Stefan Speck, European Environmental Agency
South Korea's Low Carbon & Green Growth Strategy
Dr Lee Sang-Hun, Hanshin University, South Korea
Australia's Climate Package
Australia's Clean Energy Future Dr Steven Kennedy,  Department of Climate Change & Energy Efficiency
Designing Complementary Policies for a Low Carbon Economy Mr Erwin Jackson, The Climate Institute
The Political Reality: Implementation Issues and Constraints
The Impact of Emission Prices & Renewable Policies Hon Rob Jolly, Carbon Market Economics
Effectiveness of the Carbon Pricing Policy Dr Frank Jotzo, Australian National University
The Clean Energy Bills: Good Policy Intent, Bad Formulation and Ugly Implementation  Mr Michael Hitchens, Australian Industry Greenhouse Network
Green Growth: Building Skills, Creating Jobs and Strengthening Regions Mr Tony Maher,
Construction, Forestry, Mining & Energy Union
The Shift to Renewables : Issues & Barriers  Mr Kane Thornton, The Clean Energy Council
Getting the Conditions for Investment Right Mr Nathan Fabian
Investor Group on Climate Change
Making the Carbon Finance Corporation work Mr Bruce Mountain, Carbon Market Economics
The Closing Window
The Risk Perception Paradox: the Public, the Policy and the Media Prof Roger Jones,  Victoria University & Mr Michael Bachelard, The Sunday Age

Presentations - Day 2: 'The Clean Technology Revolution, Australia & China - Workshop'

Low Carbon Development
China-Australia Energy, Resources & Cleantech Cooperation Mr Drew Clarke, Secretary , Australian Department of Resources, Energy & Tourism
Adopting a Low Carbon Pattern of Development in China Dr Jiang Kejun, Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission, China
Clean Energy and Investment in China: an Australian Perspective Hon Richard Alston, Victorian Director, Australia China Business Council
The Clean Technology Revolution, China and Australia
Roundtable 1: Adjusting The Structure of Development
'Rebalancing' the Structure of the Economy (PDF, 197 KB) Prof Peter Sheehan, Victoria University
Adjusting the Energy Mix Mr Bruce Mountain, Carbon Market Economics
Low Carbon Cities Dr Zhuang Xing & Dr Jiang Kejun, ERI, NDRC
Green Economy Pathways Dr David Ness, Ecological Development Union International
Roundtable II:Clean Energy, Technologies and Innovation in China and the Implications for Australia
Building Design and Innovation in a Low Carbon Future Mr Tai Hollingsbee, GHD
Opportunities for Reducing Transport Emissions Dr Alex English, Victoria University
The Rise of the Electric Car Dr Zhuang Xing, ERI, NDRC
China-Australia New Energy Vehicle Alliance Dr Marcel Bick, CSIRO
Financing Commercialization of Clean Technology
Mr Ivor Frischknecht, Starfish Ventures

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This event has already taken place.

7 September 2011, 8:00am to 5:00pm
8 September 2011, 9:00am to 1:00pm

Get in touch

Margarita Kumnick
Research Information Coordinator
Centre for Strategic Economic Studies
+61 3 9919 1343