Dr Gwen Gilmore has brought to Victoria University 30 years of experience in secondary, primary and tertiary teaching settings, as well as education management and policy advice in New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Australia.

Gwen has a long-standing interest in challenging the deficit approaches to teaching and learning in special and inclusive education. She also has interests in systems leadership, relational resilience in institutional contexts, transnational education, visual methodologies and the student voice in research and research design.

During her sabbatical in early 2017 she has set up an international research project in Vietnam, Plymouth (England) and Sweden building on visual methodologies in preservice teacher education.

Between 2011 and 2017 she:

  • published ten articles in international and peer refereed journals, books and book chapters in a co-edited book and chapter and in a New Zealand book on Inclusive Education
  • presented at conferences in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Spain, United Kingdom, and Rome
  • led two study tours for 27 Diploma of Children’s Services students to enhance our transnational contacts and collaborations. (Grants from: Australian Government Asia Bound Project – $31,500 in 2015; $31,500 matched grant by Michelle Reilly in Victoria University Polytechnic.)

Recent publications

Refereed journal articles

Cacciattolo, M., & Gilmore, G. (2016). Portraits of Retention in a preservice teacher education course Qualitative Research Journal, 15(2). 388-401 doi:10.1108/QRJ-08-2015-0076

Gilmore, G., Reilly, M., & Truong, T. M. (2016). Vietnamese textual methodologies. A comparison of Australian with Swedish and New Zealand early childhood literacy contexts. Early Child Development and Care, 1–20. doi:10.1080/03004430.2015.1134520

Carr, A., Gilmore, G., & Cacciattolo, M. (2015). Case writing for collaborative practice in Education Studies. Qualitative Research Journal, 15(2).

Gilmore, G. (2014). Semi-structured interviews and participant-produced visual narratives to illustrate stories of inclusion and on-going learning in disciplinary situations. In SAGE (Ed.), Sage Research Methods Cases: Sage Publications Ltd.

Gilmore, G. (2013). "What’s a fixed-term exclusion, Miss?” Students’ perspectives on a disciplinary inclusion room in England. British Journal of Special Education, 40(3), 106-113. doi: 10.1111/1467-8578.12029.


Gilmore, G. (2014). Exploring first year transition pedagogy: indicators of enhance transition and retention in an experiential early years’ teacher education setting. In Andrew. Funston, Miguel. Gil & Gwen. Gilmore (Eds.), Strong Starts, Supported transitions and Student Success. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars.

Refereed chapters

Gilmore, G. (2017 accepted in press). Third space narratives with young people speaking from disciplinary spaces. In J. McArthur & J. Berman (Eds.), Student perspectives on school: Informing inclusive practice. Rotterdam: Sense.

Gilmore, G. (2016). Informed visual narratives from the inside. Student’s viewpoints on inclusionary practice. In V. Plows & B. Whitburn (Eds.), Inclusive education: Making sense of everyday practice. Rotterdam: Sense.

Gilmore, G. (2014). Transition pedagogy: Indicators of enhanced transition and retention in an experiential early-years teacher education setting. In A. Funston, M. Gil & G. Gilmore (Eds.), Strong starts, supported transitions, student success. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars.

Gilmore, G. (2013). Relational professionalism for inclusion: An analysis of a United Kingdom and a New Zealand secondary school Inclusive Education: Perspectives on Professional Practice: Dunmore.

Conference presentations

Gilmore, G. (2017). A curriculum dilemma. Curriculum development in alternative teacher education entry pathways in higher education in Australia. Paper presented at the European Conference in Curriculum Studies, Stirling, Scotland.

Gilmore, G. (2017). Asynchronous symbolic mediation in masters of education teacher education. Paper presented at the European Conference for Curriculum Studies, Stirling, Scotland.

Gilmore, G. (2016). Asynchronous symbolic mediation in masters of education teacher education. So what do the tools do for student learning? Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE), Melbourne.

Gilmore, G. (2015 December). The role of relational resilience in building academic pathways for students: An interdisciplinary case study from Melbourne, Australia. Paper presented at the Australasian Association for Educational Research (AARE), Freemantle, Australia.

Gilmore, G. (2015 December). Relational cultural contexts. Australian students visiting early childhood literacy contexts in Vietnam. Paper presented at the Australasian Association for Educational Research (AARE), Freemantle, Australia.

View Gwen's publications in the Victoria University Research Repository.

Postgraduate research students & fellows


  • One PhD student and ten Masters students
  • Three masters level students in New Zealand.

Current supervision:

  • Co-supervision of six PhD students (principal supervisor of two) in the topics of:
    • the emotional work of teachers in schools
    • inclusive education for students with diagnosis of Autism in primary schools
    • transnational education in Vietnam
    • dyslexia in Australian school contexts
    • first year transitions and online contexts
    • intercultural concepts in Indonesian schools.

Research grants

  • Office for Research (OLT). Australian Government. I was successful alongside colleagues at the University of Wollongong in 2016 in a project titled ‘Building capacity to scaffold online discussion: Enhancing students’ construction of knowledge and communication competencies’. The outputs from this include an online site FOLD with resources to support online teaching environments, including $40.000 from the OLT project office.
  • 2013-2016: Internal funding grants from Victoria University. $19,000
  • International research grant from Massey University, New Zealand and Bristol University, UK, with two research outputs. $5,000.


Vice-Chancellor's Award for teaching and learning, 2015

Professional memberships

  • On Editorial Board for International Research in Early Childhood Education (IRECE).
  • Reviewing for the New Zealand Journal of Education studies, Australian Education Research (AER), Horizon Publishing (USA), and the Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs (UK) and the European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.
  • International Society for Cultural Historical Theories (ISCAR), Australasian representative.
  • Australian Association for Research in Education. As Special Interest Group (SIG) convenor, I review abstracts, and convene seminars and workshops. I worked with co-convenors to apply for and received a $5,000 grant for workshop development 2016 and again in 2017 (Adelaide).
  • New Zealand Federation of Graduate Women. Member since 2000

Industry experience

Thirty years in various teaching in primary, secondary and tertiary roles. Roles include teacher in New Zealand, Primary Principal, Special Education Policy development with primary and secondary schools in New Zealand, and leader of school partnerships in the UK, 2002-2011, and teacher educator in Australia.

Areas of expertise

  • Assumptions for inclusionary practice in pre-service teacher education (particularly in relation to reconciling conversations with pre-service teachers)
  • Inclusive education and pre-service teacher identity
  • Transition and retention
  • Transnational education in the Vietnamese context
  • Visual literacies in pre-service teacher education

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