WRS011 - Work Related Skills Foundation Unit 1

Unit code: WRS011 | Study level: TAFE
Footscray Nicholson


The purpose of this unit is to focus on the development of appropriate skills and knowledge in order to provide the necessary OH&S preparation for the workplace.


For Melbourne campuses

To receive an S in this unit, students must show competence in all six learning outcomes through satisfactory demonstration of all the elements. The conditions related to the assessment of the learning outcomes may differ according to the particular learning environment, mode of delivery and content.

Required reading

The qualified trainer and assessor will provide teaching and learning materials as required in the form of workbooks produced by Victoria University and/or via the Victoria University e-learning system.

As part of a course

This unit is not compulsory for any specific course. Depending on the course you study, this unit may be taken as an elective.

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