VU22448 - Work effectively with a national disability insurance scheme participant

Unit code: VU22448 | Study level: TAFE
Footscray Nicholson
St Albans


This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to work effectively with a national disability insurance scheme (NDIS) participant. It includes supporting the NDIS participant to achieve stated goals, using a human rights framework to ensure NDIS participant personal safety, working safely, completing and processing documentation, and working effectively with others.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment tasks will be designed to reinforce and extend knowledge and skill competence within set and controlled parameters in accordance with each unit’s learning outcomes and performance criteria requirements, including the setting of work based practical application tasks designed to provide evidence of competence outcomes, within periodic and scheduled timelines.

Students will be expected to demonstrate the following required skills:

  • adopt a flexible and resourceful approach when supporting an NDIS participant;
  • behave ethically when working with an NDIS participant;
  • build effective relationships with an NDIS participant;
  • fill in forms/templates correctly and file completed forms/templates;
  • follow NDIS principles and values with the participant at the forefront of service delivery and leading the way where possible;
  • follow organisational/employer policies and procedures;
  • meet organisational/employer expectations of workers who provide direct support to an NDIS participant;
  • negotiate and work collaboratively with NDIS participant and relevant others when supporting an NDIS participant to achieve stated goals;
  • present disability positively when working with other community members, volunteers and stakeholders;
  • protect own health when working with an NDIS participant;
  • read and comprehend a participant’s day-to-day support plans;
  • recognise and deal with crises and unresolved issues that may occur when supporting an NDIS participant to achieve stated goals, in consultation with relevant personnel;
  • recognise the scope of own competence and expertise when working with an NDIS participant who has complex support needs;
  • take responsibility for own effectiveness, and;
  • write sentences that are clear and easy to understand, and that adequately reflect the situation referred to in the sentence.

Required reading

The qualified trainer and assessor will provide teaching and learning materials as required in the form of workbooks produced by Victoria University and/or via the Victoria University e-learning system.

As part of a course

This unit is not compulsory for any specific course. Depending on the course you study, this unit may be taken as an elective.

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